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2014-11-12 Selectmen's Minutes
Stow Board of Selectmen
November 12, 2014

Present at the meeting that was held at Stow Town Building were Brian Burke, Charles Kern, Thomas Ryan and James Salvie. Donald Hawkes was absent.

Also present were William Wrigley, Town Administrator and Maureen Trunfio, Administrative Assistant. Mr. Kern called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Public Input: Robert & Mary Cutler of 461 Gleasondale Road expressed interest in beautifying a town-owned lot in the Gleasondale Village area known as the Gleasondale School Yard by planting flowering shrubs. The Selectmen requested a brief letter from the Cutlers expressing their interest in the project. Mr. Burke suggested contacting any of the Boy Scouts attempting to achieve their Eagle Scout badge and requesting help if needed.
Chairman’s Comments
Mr. Kern announced the Town’s gratitude toward Town Clerk and her assistants for an exemplary and efficient job operating the November 4th election.

Meeting Minutes
Mr. Salvie moved to approve the minutes of October 28, 2014 as drafted and amended. Mr Burke seconded the motion and it was passed. Mr. Ryan abstained.
VOTED: (3-0-1) In favor (Mr. Burke, Mr. Kern, Mr. Salvie.)  Abstain (Mr. Ryan.)

Noise Bylaw
Mr. Wrigley explained that the Town would be reviewing its current Noise Bylaw with the intention of possibly modifying it to a degree that a new version would be enforceable.

He added that Town Charter decrees that Planning Board, with input from the Building Inspector, is the Town authority in developing improvements to the current Town Noise Bylaw. Mr. Wrigley stated that there is a specific prescribed process (i.e. a public hearing process directed by the Planning Board and culminating in a vote at Annual Town Meeting) for formally creating and modifying Zoning Bylaws.

Ron Gerhardt of 222 Barton Road stated that he believes the State exempts chainsaws, leaf blowers and agricultural areas. He did not verify that the state law had been contested in court and prevailed.

Mrs. Cutler of Gleasondale Road said that she hopes the sound of tractors is not going to pose a problem, as she loves the rural state of Stow. Mr. Salvie reminded her of the Right to Farm Bylaw, which provides rural agriculture with special dispensations.

Linda Cornell of 222 Barton Road had further questions, but was directed to call the Town Administrator’s Office due to the fact that the Selectmen were running late on their agenda and needed to move forward with a posted public hearing that was to take place at 7:15 PM.

Tax Classification Hearing
Dom Pugliese, Chair of the Board of Assessors, Dottie Wilbur, Principal Assessor and Mike Dugas member of the Assessors Board were present to explain options regarding the current tax classification scenarios. The Board determined it would be best for the Town to operate under a single rate.

Mr. Pugliese shared a chart that had been prepared by their Board comparing tax rate data from surrounding towns of a similar size. The Board of Assessors compiled the statistics in response to a request from the Selectmen.

Mr. Ryan and the Board thanked the Board of Assessors for their work.

On the recommendation of the Board of Assessors, Mr. Salvie moved to keep a single tax rate for fiscal year 2015, taxing all property classes at one rate, per the options available to municipalities, described in MGL Chapter 40, section 56. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

VOTED: (4-0) Unanimously in favor (Mr. Burke, Mr. Kern, Mr. Ryan and Mr. Salvie.)  

Lower Village Water
Mr. Wrigley informed the Board that the Lower Village water project had begun and is moving forward. The Town has met with three interested businessmen and began the process of assisting and facilitating the project. At present, a partnership of businessmen are developing a Business Plan and the Town is helping the interested parties to seek financing. The Town expects the current business owners will reach out again and invite future business to join. The Town expects that the original owners will ensure fair and reasonable buy in for potential future businesses.

Green Communities
Mr. Wrigley explained that the Energy Working Group is gathering documentation in order to begin an outline process of assessing end uses and developing an outline of
An assessment plan and an energy reduction plan to submit to the state

Mr. Wrigley was excused at 7:55 PM.

Office Report
Ms. Trunfio announced that she had formally invited the School Committee to report at the Selectmen’s January 13, 2015 meeting. She told the Board the Office is expecting to receive
An earth removal permit request relating to Minute Man Air Field on Friday, November 14th.

Ms. Trunfio reported that vacancies for ZBA Associate Members have been posted. She requested items from the Selectmen for the December 10th Tri-Town Agenda. Mr. Burke thanked Ms. Trunfio for her help in scheduling the Tri-Town Meeting.

Liaison Reports
Mr. Salvie reported that the Pompo Building Committee was scheduled to hold an informal meeting with Planning Board but was advised not to do so until documents were formally filed. He said that they are expecting 50% completed construction diagrams by later in November and 95% completed construction diagrams by January 31, 2015. Public Forums will be set up for January. Those documents will assist in better determining if the project is on schedule at this point.

Mr. Salvie reported that SMAHT met and further discussed possible affordable housing at the 323 Great Road site. They also discussed a parcel on Pine Point Road with potential for affordable housing.

Mr. Burke told the Board that he remotely attended the November 5th Permit Meeting
He also attended the most recent Community Preservation Committee meeting and most discussion was directed at 323 Great Road Use Proposals. At that meeting, the current Chair of the CPC, Kathy Sferra, announced her plans to step down as Chair.

At 8:03 PM Mr. Salvie made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
VOTED: (4-0) Unanimously in favor (Mr. Burke, Mr. Kern, Mr. Ryan and Mr. Salvie.)  

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Trunfio
Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectmen